
Communication without borders – President signed the law on a single roaming zone with the EU

Ukrainians will be able to avoid paying additional fees for mobile communications and the Internet in 27 EU countries. The same conditions will be provided to

Norway will allocate over $102 million to Ukraine to restore energy infrastructure

Norway is providing Ukraine with Norwegian kroner 1.1 billion (more than $102 million) to restore energy infrastructure damaged by Russian attacks. This is stated on the

EBRD forms Ukraine-based renewable energy joint venture with GOLDBECK SOLAR Investment

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) established a renewable energy joint venture with GOLDBECK SOLAR Investment, which plans to construct and operate new solar

The Agricultural Sector Development Strategy until 2030 will form the basis of a negotiating position for accession for Ukraine to the EU

The agricultural sector is undoubtedly one of the key pillars of the Ukrainian economy, with exports generating 62% of foreign exchange earnings in 2023 alone, said

New prospects under the 5-7-9 lending program for energy projects

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine plans to expand the 5-7-9 loan program for the installation of small power plants. This includes distributed generation projects such

Investment attraction tool – Ukraine Facility

For the first time, Ukraine has an integrated economic development plan with a medium-term horizon, a clear structure, and defined funding. The Ukraine Facility includes a