The present of Ukrainian cities as a result of the invasion of the Russian army. Day 141

Today, the troops of the rashist invaders shelled Vinnytsia with rockets. As a result of the ruthless and devastating crime of the aggressor, 23 people died (including 3 children), 117 people asked for help, 66 people were hospitalized, including 3 children, 34 people are in serious condition, 5 people are in critical condition, the search continues for 39 people with with no connection.

The police recorded the consequences of rocket attacks by Russian troops in Zaporizhzhia and the region.

One of the industrial enterprises of the regional center, as well as civilian infrastructure facilities in the Pologivsky and Vasilyevsky directions, were under enemy fire. As a result of rocket attacks, wounded citizens were taken to the hospital.

The enemy hit one of the industrial enterprises in Zaporizhzhia with two cruise missiles, as a result of which the object suffered significant damage.

As a result of rocket attacks, citizens with shrapnel wounds of varying severity were taken to the hospital.

In addition, during the day the enemy did not stop shelling the civilian population of GulyaiPole. The applicants reported about destroyed apartments in high-rise buildings, damaged houses, utility buildings, a garage, fences and a yard area.

Another armed aggressor hit three settlements in the Vasilyevsky district. As a result, private houses in Stepnogirsk received significant damage – the courtyard area was destroyed along with utility buildings, and the household was also killed by fragments. In Prymorske, during the night shelling, a house was damaged – windows and doors flew out in it. As a result of rocket attacks on one of the agricultural enterprises in Kamianske, an office space, a granary, office equipment and household equipment were destroyed.

Destroyed buildings and victims among civilians – the police fix the consequences of morning rocket attacks on Mykolaiv and the region.

Today at about 5:00 Russian troops launched numerous rocket attacks on the regional center. Residential buildings, premises of educational institutions, shops, hotels, public transport were damaged. There are injured people among the civilian population. The total number of injured and damaged property of citizens is being established.

Also at night, the enemy fired on Bashtanka and Shyrokivska community. All information is updated.

The invaders covered 21 settlements of the Donetsk region with fire – the police are working at the places of strikes.

During the day, 33 Russian shelling was recorded. The enemy hit homes and civilian infrastructure with missiles, multiple launch rocket systems, and artillery. There are dead and wounded civilians.

40 civilian facilities were destroyed. 29 residential buildings were destroyed and damaged, including three multi-apartment buildings, an outpatient clinic, a granary and agricultural machinery, a factory, a water tower, a stadium, garages, and outbuildings.

Russian invaders from the territory of Russia in a day from mortars and multiple launch rocket system fired at three communities in the Sumy region.

In Mykolaiv, the hotel ” Mykolaiv ” in the city center was destroyed by enemy shelling, the building of a shopping and entertainment center was damaged by a shock wave.

Photo materials are taken from the official information resources of the State Emergency Service, the mayor of Mykolaiv and the National Police of Ukraine.