The present of Ukrainian cities as a result of the invasion of the Russian army. Day 178

Investigators record the consequences of rocket attacks by Russian troops on Kharkiv and the Kharkiv region.

Russian occupiers continue to destroy the infrastructure of settlements in Kharkiv region on a daily basis.

On the night of August 20, rockets hit a critical infrastructure facility in the Nemyshlyansky district. There are no previous casualties.

Mykolaiv region: Police officers document the consequences of the shelling of a residential area of ​​Voznesensk by the Russian army.

Today, August 20, in the afternoon, Russian troops attacked the city of Voznesensk. Local residents, including children, suffered.

High-rise buildings and private houses received damage and destruction. The final information about the damage and casualties is being specified.

Zaporizhzhia: Russian troops destroyed more than 20 residential buildings in a day: the police are recording the consequences of a large-scale armed attack.

The enemy fired at the civilian population of the city of Orikhove, Gulyaipole, Kamyshuvakha and other settlements of the Pologivsky and Zaporizhzhia regions. There is information about wounded citizens.

Dnipropetrovsk region: Police are documenting the aftermath of nighttime enemy shelling by the Russian army.

On the night of August 20, Russian troops once again shelled the city of Nikopol, the Apostolivska and Marganetska communities. There were no casualties.

In the Apostolivska community of the Kryvyi oy Rih region, the enemy destroyed several houses and a gas pipeline using multiple rocket launchers “Hurricane”.

The city of Nikopol and the Marganetska community were fired upon by the enemy from cannon artillery. In Nikopol, nine private houses, household structures, a gas pipeline and power lines were damaged and destroyed. In the Marganetska community without destruction and casualties.

Donetsk region: Russian troops hit with aircraft and missiles – a child is among the wounded.

The police documented 17 Russian attacks per day. The invaders killed and wounded civilians. Residential buildings, a playground, and a utility company were targeted.

In the Sumy region on the day of August 20, the Russians fired from their territory on the Burinsky, Bilopolsky, Khotinsky and Znob-Novgorod communities. First, no casualties.

On Saturday, the Russian invaders fired on the city of Voznesensk – they hit a five-story building and private houses: nine were wounded, among them four children.

Photo materials are taken from the official information resources of the State Emergency Service, the Sumy Regional Military Administration, the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration, and the National Police of Ukraine.