ARMA uses foreign currency for the first time to buy $38 million worth of military bonds

According to an ARMA press release, the Cabinet of Ministers approved ARMA’s purchase of military bonds for almost $38 million. In particular, this includes $31 million and €6.5 million of seized funds placed on the Agency’s accounts.

ARMA Head Olena Duma added that, according to preliminary estimates, the state budget could receive almost UAH 64 million from this purchase.

According to her, the income from military bonds, which is almost 4% per annum of the amount of purchased bonds, will be transferred to the state budget. This amount can reach $1.6 million, which is equivalent to almost UAH 64 million.

In 2022, the ARMA purchased military bonds for the first time for the money of criminal defendants in the amount of UAH 152 million. By the end of 2023, the total volume of government bonds “Military Bonds” on the ARMA’s securities account amounted to 3.6 million pieces worth UAH 3.7 billion. The income from them exceeded UAH 195.8 million.
