UkraineInvest Guide updated: Rebuilding Ukraine with the private sector

The Government Office for Investment Attraction and Support has announced the update of the Ukrainelnvest Guide, a universal guide for investors who consider Ukraine as a promising investment destination. The guide updates macroeconomic indicators, trade dynamics, Ukraine’s achievements, and adds data on new companies and investment projects.

The main changes include:

  • Macroeconomic indicators: updated data on GDP, inflation, international reserves, support from international partners, and trade balance.
  • Business environment: added information on new companies that have started operations in Ukraine — 201 Turkish, 90 Polish, and 89 American, and many others.
  • Trade turnover: updated dynamics of transportation by mode of transport, in particular, the growth of road transportation in imports and exports.
  • Ukraine’s achievements for 2024: from global digitalization and public administration to the fight against corruption;
  • Investment projects: existing initiatives have been updated and a new project has been added, information about the following will be posted soon.

The guide also contains information about Ukraine’s investment profile, financial incentives, business opportunities, as well as analytical data from various sectors of the economy.

You can read the updated guide at the link.
