Auctions for commercial fish catch for 2025 have started

On December 23, 2024, the State Fisheries Agency published the first announcements on holding auctions for the industrial catch of aquatic biological resources in 2025 in the Kyiv, Kaniv, Kremenchuk, Kamiansky, Dnipro reservoirs, the Desna River with lakes within the Chernihiv region and the Dnipro River within the Chernihiv region in the electronic trading system Prozorro.Sale.

The drawing of these lots will take place on January 3, 2025, namely:

  • Kyiv Reservoir – 7 lots;
  • Kaniv Reservoir – 7 lots;
  • Kremenchuk Reservoir – 10 lots;
  • Kamiansky Reservoir – 9 lots;
  • Dnipro Reservoir – 7 lots;
  • Desna River with lakes within the Chernihiv region – 5 lots;
  • Dnipro River within the Chernihiv region – 6 lots.

Business entities that plan to fish on an industrial scale and have declared the right to do so by submitting a corresponding electronic declaration can submit their applications for participation in the auction until 02.01.2025.

Detailed information about the lots, auction dates, starting lot prices, guarantee deposits, volumes and types of aquatic biological resources, fishing gear, etc. can be viewed at the link.

Documents required for participation in auctions for commercial fishing can be viewed at the link.
