
3 million tons of agricultural products were exported from Ukraine in July 2022

In July 2022, Ukraine exported 2.66 million tons of grains, oilseeds and by-products (excluding rapeseeds), which is 492.7 thousand tons, or 22.7% more than in the

Сement industry decarbonization prospects

Cement is a key component of concrete, the world’s second most consumed material, and it is widely used in modern infrastructure. Cement production is also one

The rolled metal market during the war and in post-war recovery

The war in Ukraine completely changed the situation on the rolled metal market. Some facilities were destroyed, and some are not working at full capacity. At

Ukraine will increase exports of electricity to the EU by 2.5 times

The continental European power grid ENTSO-E has authorized an increase of Ukrainian electricity exports to Europe by 2.5 times. Consequently, when the volume of commercial exports

Ukraine has lost a third of its organic land because of the war

Ukrainian agricultural producers do not have access to at least 30% of land (about 140 thousand hectares) that was under organic production before the war. This

Vegetable proteins are not just a side dish, but also an investment direction

Analogues of products of animal origin are becoming more and more diverse and affordable. Global revenues from alternative proteins could reach $290bn by 2035—and that is