
Humanitarian assistance to Ukrainians from the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Even though Kazakhstan is officially neutral in the war between Russia and Ukraine, it provides humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and takes measures to support the Ukrainian

Growth of foreign trade between Dnipropetrovsk region and Serbia

The Republic of Serbia occupies a unique position in the context of the war between russia and Ukraine because of its attempts to identify its historical,

Foreign trade between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Dnipropetrovsk region has potential for growth

The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a member of the international community, supports Ukraine in the war against russia at the political level and by

Ukraine’s trade turnover increased by 13% in 2024

In 2024, Ukraine’s trade turnover increased by 13% compared to 2023, from $99.4 billion to $112.3 billion. This is evidenced by data from the State Customs

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – friendly support in time of war

Saudi Arabia provides Ukraine with significant support during the war against the russian federation. The country is actively mediating in resolving the conflict between Ukraine and

The Republic of Singapore is a key partner of Ukraine in the Southeast Asia

Singapore actively supports Ukraine in its fight against the russian aggression by providing humanitarian aid and imposing sanctions against Russia. The Republic of Singapore has joined