Financial programs have been launched in Ukraine to increase energy independence of consumers, including 0% lending to citizens for the purchase of energy equipment

In the context of the crisis in the energy sector, when Russia is constantly attacking and systematically destroying the energy infrastructure, an important task is to increase the energy independence of our consumers, so the Government has developed and is currently implementing a whole package of important decisions and financial programs that will help stimulate the development of distributed generation to ensure the energy independence of Ukrainians, local generation needs and, in general, the energy security of Ukraine.

In particular, a 0% interest rate loan program for individuals to purchase generating facilities that produce electricity from alternative sources, initiated by the Ministry of Energy, is now available to encourage household owners to develop their own energy sources.

Anyone who wants to buy solar panels with energy storage systems or wind turbines can get a loan under which the state fully compensates the interest rate during the loan period. The loan amount is up to UAH 480 thousand.
The loan term is 10 years. To obtain a loan, you can apply to Privatbank, Oschadbank, Ukrgasbank, Sens Bank, and Globus Bank. The number of partner banks of the program will increase, and the Entrepreneurship Development Fund is currently working on this.

In addition, under the Affordable Loans 5-7-9 program, condominiums and housing cooperatives can receive a loan of up to UAH 5 million for up to 5 years at 7% per annum. These funds can be used to purchase and install solar panels, inverters, energy storage systems, and other auxiliary equipment. To take advantage of the program, you need to apply to one of the 46 banks that cooperate with the state under the Affordable Loans 5-7-9 program. In particular, Oschadbank, Vostok Bank, Privatbank, Sens Bank, Ukrgasbank, Globus, and Sky Bank are already working on providing such loans.

Importantly, this loan program can be used in conjunction with the Grindim program, launched in May this year, under which the state compensates up to 70% of the cost of solar power plant equipment and/or heat pumps purchased by condominiums and housing cooperatives. The maximum amount of compensation is up to UAH 1 million for the installation of a solar power plant, up to UAH 2 million for the installation of heat pumps, and up to UAH 3 million if a solar power plant and a heat pump are installed simultaneously. To participate in the Grindim program, you need to contact the Energy Efficiency Fund.

Also, under the Affordable Loans 5-7-9 program, entrepreneurs and businesses can purchase and install gas turbine, gas piston, or biogas generating units. The maximum loan amount is up to UAH 150 million, and the loan term is up to 10 years.
For companies that plan to develop their own generation worth more than UAH 150 million, offers are available from 19 of Ukraine’s largest banks, which provide preferential lending for the implementation of energy infrastructure restoration projects. The loan amount can be up to EUR 25 million. The term is up to 5-7 years, the basic interest rate for loans in national currency is 13.5% per annum for the first year or UIRD3M+0.5%, starting from the second year – floating, but not more than UIRD12M+3%.

Thanks to these government lending programs, owners of private homes and residents of apartment buildings will be able to equip autonomous energy sources, and businesses will be able to implement energy projects of varying complexity to provide themselves with their own source of generation and stable operation.

The government has also simplified the regulation of construction, connection to gas, heat and electricity grids for small generation facilities. This can now be done faster and with a minimum package of documents.

On July 20, the government hotline 15-49 called “STRUM” was also launched, which citizens and businesses can call to resolve issues related to the energy sector, including the installation of alternative energy sources to ensure their own energy independence.
