Doing business
The volume of direct investments attracted since the beginning of investment in the region’s economy as of December 31, 2018 is $ 3,577.8 mln. According to this indicator, the region leads among the Ukrainian regions for 10 years in a row.
Investments in the regional economy came from 57 countries. 77.7% of total investments or $ 2,780.0 mln are made from EU countries.
The main investor countries are:
By type of economic activity, the largest amount of direct investment was oriented to industry $ 2,132.0 mln (59.6% of the total). In the second place by investment volume are services – $ 1391 mln (38.9%). Almost at the same level are investments in the field of agriculture and construction, the volume of which amounted to $ 24.9 mln (0.7%) and $ 29.9 mln (0.8%), respectively.
In 2018, foreign investors invested $ 32.5 mln in direct investments in the economy of Dnepropetrovsk region, which is almost half less than last year.
The volume of direct investments (share capital) from the region into the economy of the countries at the end of 2018 amounted to $ 19.6 mln.