Obukhivka TC and the city of Kaisiadorys have become twinned

Ukrainian communities continue to build a network of international inter-municipal partnerships. The Obukhivka community and the city of Kaisiadorys (Lithuania) have become twinned.

The parties signed a cooperation agreement on June 1 in Lithuania. This was reported by the Obukhivka City Council.

“We believe that our twinning will be fruitful and long-lasting, bringing only positive changes within the framework of a powerful exchange of experience in various fields of life of Obukhivka and Kaisiadorys,” the Obukhivka City Council said in a statement.

As a reminder, in April, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the European integration bill No. 9450 on international cooperation of local self-government, which will allow communities and regions to work with EU funds and attract their funds in a simplified and broader format.

Earlier, Ukrainian parliament member Vitalii Bezghin stated that territorial communities of Ukraine, developing international inter-municipal partnerships, should reach the level of implementing joint projects with foreign municipalities, including at the expense of European structural funds, as this is perhaps the only opportunity to develop in an environment where most of the budgets of all levels are directed to defense and protection of the country.

In May, the Parliamentary Committee on the Organization of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning reconsidered and recommended that the Verkhovna Rada adopt in the first reading the draft law No. 10284 on amendments to certain laws of Ukraine to stimulate the participation of state and local governments in the implementation of international technical assistance and cross-border cooperation programs and projects. The draft law proposes to pay additional salaries to employees of local governments, regional and district administrations from funds raised through international cooperation projects.

According to Vyacheslav Nehoda, Head of the Office of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President of Ukraine, the main tasks that should be ensured by the international intermunicipal partnership of communities are public diplomacy; economic cooperation, search for business partners; exchange of intermunicipal experience; interaction with Ukrainians who have been forced to leave the territory of Ukraine; humanitarian support; and European integration.

Source: https://decentralization.ua