Slovakia is one of the main trade and economic partners of Dnipropetrovsk region

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of rus   sia, the Slovak Republic has provided Ukrainians with humanitarian, civilian, military and technical assistance. Bratislava continues to provide active assistance to Ukraine in protecting its national sovereignty and territorial integrity in the framework of international organizations: UN, OSCE, NATO, EU, AND UNESCO. Slovakia strictly adheres to the international sanctions imposed against russia in response to its armed aggression against Ukraine and the occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Slovakia has provided Ukraine with 13 military aid packages totaling about €671 million. The country supplied the Armed Forces of Ukraine with armored vehicles, artillery, air defense systems, ammunition, and aircraft.

The Slovak Republic provided humanitarian aid to Ukraine totaling €203.5 thousand. The aid included power generators, heaters, clothing and first aid kits from the Slovak Armed Forces, as well as food, bottled water and clothing from the SMinistry of Interior of the Slovak Republic.

After the appointment of Robert Fico as Prime Minister of Slovakia, the country limited military aid to Ukraine, but Slovak companies are able to produce weapons and supply them to Ukraine. The Slovakian prime minister also promised to “do everything possible to help Ukraine in a humanitarian way.” He also stated that it was possible to provide medical aid or help with the repair of civilian facilities.

At the end of January, the Prime Ministers of Ukraine and Slovakia, Denys Shmyhal and Robert Fico, signed a statement on strengthening bilateral relations. In this statement, the parties confirmed their readiness for further cooperation aimed at respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. They also noted the Slovak Republic’s firm and consistent support for Ukraine’s European integration and expressed support for the Peace Formula of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Slovakia has also offered to help Ukraine with demining. Bratislava is ready to help with special equipment and in the education and training of personnel who will operate this transport. The country has already handed over two mechanized demining vehicles and engineering equipment for pyrotechnics to the SES.

As part of the Ammunition for Ukraine initiative, Slovak citizens have raised about €4 million to buy ammunition for Ukraine. More than 60,000 people joined the initiative of Slovak activists. The campaign was launched by Slovak NGOs Mier Ukraine, Darček pre Putina, Donio, and All4Ukraine. The Slovaks decided to join the Czech initiative on their own. The Slovak company Way Industries has also started assembling a new Bozena-5 demining machine for Ukraine.

At the same time, the Slovak Republic remains one of the most important energy suppliers for Ukraine to keep its energy grid viable.

Slovakia and Dnipropetrovsk region have close economic ties, which have only been strengthening recently. At the end of 2023, trade turnover increased by 12%. And there is potential for further growth. In particular, Dnipropetrovsk region has the potential to significantly increase the supply of iron ore to Slovakia. The country ranks second among exporters from Dnipropetrovsk region (16.7% of the region’s total exports) and ranks 9th in imports of goods among the countries of the world.

According to the results of 2023, the volume of exports of goods from the Dnipropetrovsk region increased by 8.4% to $552.3 million despite the aggressive war of the russian federation against Ukraine. Goods in demand among Slovak consumers include ores, slag, railway locomotive parts, mineral fuels, ferrous metals, machinery and equipment, grain crops, etc.

Export operations were carried out by 74 companies from Dnipropetrovsk region. The main exporters are enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex, processing industry, and machine-building enterprises.

TOP-5 exporters (ranked by volume of exported products):

Imports of goods from Slovakia to Dnipropetrovsk region amounted to $96.9 million and increased by 58.1% compared to 2022. Traditionally, Dnipropetrovsk region purchased ferrous metals, machinery and equipment, plastics and polymers, inorganic chemicals, paper and cardboard, and other goods.

Import operations were carried out by 143 importers.

TOP-5 importers (ranked by volume of imported products):

Import operations were mainly carried out by trade, metallurgical, processing, and machine-building enterprises.

Source: information for the article was taken from open online resources