Taras Vysotskyi: Ukraine can process more than 50% of agricultural products, which will increase the capacity of the sector

This year, Ukraine plans to adopt the Strategy for the Development of the Agricultural Sector of Ukraine until 2030. This is one of the commitments under the EU’s Ukraine Facility economic support program. Among the important areas of the document are increasing the processing of agricultural products and expanding the export opportunities of the agricultural sector.

This was emphasized by Taras Vysotskyi, Acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, during a workshop on the agricultural sector within the Ukraine Business Compact.

“In order to maintain the capacity of the agricultural sector and increase its efficiency and export opportunities, it is necessary to develop the processing sector. This is the added value of products and an increase in farmers’ incomes. Our goal is to process more than 50% of agricultural products. Ukraine has quite large processing capacities in livestock production – meat and dairy products. We also produce various types of oil. In addition, the development of animal feed production,” said Taras Vysotskyi.

He emphasized that increasing the capacity of the agricultural processing industry will help to increase energy independence and energy security of both Ukraine and the European Union. Ukraine can expand biomethane production to 10 billion cubic meters per year. It has the appropriate transportation infrastructure and capacity to do so.

Taras Vysotsky also emphasized that it is important for the agricultural sector to have access to various types of logistics for exporting goods. And the ability to implement modern technologies for production.

“Ukraine has always been an export-oriented country. Every year we export 65-70% of agricultural products. And even despite the large-scale war, Ukraine is among the main suppliers of food for more than 400 million people in the world. And we plan to maintain these volumes in the future,” summarized Taras Vysotskyi.

The meeting was organized by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and the Kyiv School of Economics.

For reference. Ukraine Business Compact is a platform established by the UN Global Compact and the Government of Ukraine. UBC brings together more than 700 leading global companies to support Ukraine’s recovery and economic stability.

Source: https://minagro.gov.ua