Catalogue of export promotion tools

Many organizations working with exporters do not know where to find proven and relevant support tools. They spend time and resources searching for them. And the lack of a centralized resource with proven tools complicates the work.

Business support starts with tools that work, so the Business and Export Development Office has launched an updated Catalogue of Export Promotion Tools on Diia.Business, the only practical online guide in Ukraine that brings together opportunities for export development and helps find specific solutions without wasting time and money.

The goal of the Catalogue is to stimulate the development of local businesses and create conditions for intensifying export operations. It will help you learn more about the institutions that support exporters at the national level and how to implement best practices locally.

The guide includes 11 thematic sections, each of which contains common questions from exporters, as well as recommendations for regions and regional business organizations on how to effectively implement support tools.

Key advantages of the Catalogue:

  • Structured and convenient – all the necessary information on one resource, available in a few clicks
  • Relevance and practicality – only proven tools that are already working at the national and regional levels
  • A ready-made solution for regional organizations – no need to collect information and develop support tools on their own

This tool contains information about available analytical materials on foreign markets and the possibility of ordering research, recommendations for working with exporters in the regions and promoting opportunities, introducing educational services and financial support tools, export consulting, instructions for developing and implementing regional economic development programs, recommendations for effective work with clusters. It also provides assistance in finding partners abroad – a Catalogue of Ukrainian exporters, participation in international events, and recommendations on how to use Ukraine’s export brand.

Local authorities play an important role in stimulating local business development and creating conditions for intensifying export operations. Therefore, the Catalogue will be useful primarily to:

  • representatives of economic departments of regional and city state administrations
  • regional development agencies;
  • local business support organizations and business associations.

For reference

The Export Promotion Toolkit was developed by the Business and Export Development Office, the national project of Diia.Business, and NGO United Ukraine with the support of Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) as part of the Economic Resilience Program (ERP), implemented by the ERP consortium, which includes Mercy Corps, Right to Protection, Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, and JERU (Joint Emergency Response in Ukraine of Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide).