Cooperation between Dnipropetrovsk region and North Macedonia

North Macedonia actively supports and helps Ukraine in all spheres of relations. This country is a reliable friend and ally in the fight against Russian aggression against Ukraine. And also fully supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, our right to membership in the EU and NATO.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia, Buyar Osmani visited the city of Irpin, liberated from the Russian invaders, as part of his visit to Ukraine this year.

“The devastation I saw today in Irpin is beyond words. Attacks on civilians are a war crime and absolutely unacceptable. The guilty must be brought to justice. Macedonians, like no one else in Europe, understand what it is like to be humiliated for their identity, language, and culture,” Osmani said. In addition, Osmani emphasized that “Ukraine will remain a top priority” during North Macedonia’s chairmanship of the OSCE next year.

North Macedonia joined the international sanctions imposed on Russia due to its invasion of Ukraine, 11 diplomats of the Russian Federation Embassy in Skopje were declared persons “non grata” and expelled from the country.

In Macedonia, “Ukrainian Alley” was inaugurated in the center of Skopje. Trees were planted on it and a commemorative plaque “Ukrainian Alley. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!”. Ukrainian Day was held as part of the world-famous international cultural and artistic event “Ohrid Summer”. Leading Ukrainian actors and cultural figures drew the attention of the Macedonian society to Russia’s brutal war against Ukraine, in particular, speaking during a press conference about the events in Ukraine.

The embassy and community of Ukrainians named after Lesia Ukrainka in North Macedonia joined the public initiative to set a world record for the simultaneous performance of the song “Oiy u luzi chervona kalyna” from different parts of the world. The action was directly included in the Constitution Day of Ukraine.

North Macedonia became the first country of the Energy Community to hand over emergency energy equipment to Ukraine. Six electrical transformers provided by the distribution system operator Elektrodistribucija DOOEL, a subsidiary of EVN North Macedonia, were delivered to Ukraine.

Ukraine and Macedonia expanded the free trade area, an updated annex to the Free Trade Agreement was signed, integrating the markets of Ukraine and North Macedonia with the markets of the EU, Turkey, Moldova, Georgia, Norway, Switzerland and Israel through the common PanEuroMed rules of origin system. The agreement will contribute to the reduction of prices for Macedonian goods, which are raw materials for processing enterprises, which, in turn, is the main advantage for Ukrainian industry.

Now, manufacturers from Ukraine will be able to use components made in North Macedonia for products sold in the EU. In addition, the agreement liberalizes agricultural tariffs. Ukraine will gain access to the market of products of animal origin and finished products, which will lead to an increase in the export of Ukrainian agricultural products.

The development of mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation remains an important priority for the two countries.

The analysis of export and import transactions of Dnipropetrovsk region with North Macedonia demonstrates a high level of partnership relations, because the state is an important trading partner of the region.

According to the results of 2021, the volume of export of goods from Dnipropetrovsk region increased by 34.5% ($2.06 million), which was 1.7% of the volume of Ukraine to North Macedonia. Among the goods that have the greatest demand among Macedonian consumers are products made of precious metals, plastics and polymeric materials, glass and glass products, ferrous metals, etc.

Export operations were carried out by 14 enterprises of exporters from Dnipropetrovsk region.

The main exporting companies are enterprises of the metallurgical complex and the processing industry.

TOP-5 exporting enterprises (ranking by volume of export products):

The import of goods from North Macedonia to Dnipropetrovsk region amounted to $4.16 million (18.7% of Ukraine’s imports from North Macedonia) and increased by 30% compared to 2020. Dnipropetrovsk region bought medicines, vegetables, plastics and polymers.

Import operations were carried out by 13 importer enterprises.

TOP-5 enterprises of importers (ranking by volume of imported products):