President signs law simplifying business environment

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed a major deregulation law aimed at simplifying the conditions for doing business during the martial law (state of emergency).

Key provisions of the law:

  • Simplification of the acquisition of the right to operate. Business entities will be able to start certain types of economic activity during martial law by submitting a declaration to the relevant licensing authorities, permitting bodies and ASCs. This avoids obtaining permits required by law.
  • Validity of declarations. The declarations will be valid for the entire period of martial law and until the end of the calendar year in which martial law is terminated or cancelled, but not less than three months from the date of its termination or cancellation. Already issued licences shall also be extended until the end of martial law, but not less than three months from the date of its termination or cancellation.
  • Suspension of scheduled inspections. For the period of martial law, scheduled inspections of licensing authorities for compliance with the licensing legislation are suspended.

The Cabinet of Ministers will determine the procedure for submitting a declaration, the list of information to be included in the declaration, and the list of business activities that cannot be carried out by business entities on the basis of such a declaration.

The law is aimed at supporting business under martial law and is designed to make it easier for entrepreneurs to do business.
