The Ukraineinvest Guide for foreign investors has been already presented

UkraineInvest Guide, which is a one-stop-shop reference to consider investment opportunities in Ukraine, has been presented on September 22.

The UkraineInvest Guide includes analytics and investment projects in the agro-industrial complex, energy, manufacturing, IT sector, real estate and infrastructure. On top of that, the investment guide contains targeted investment programs aimed at the development of tourism, mining, industrial parks, waste management, import substitution and priority privatization objects.

The UkraineInvest Guide will be updated on a quarterly basis to ensure the investors’ need in up-to-date information.

The UkraineInvest Guide presents 4 projects of Dnipropetrovsk region, one of which is supported by the Dnipropetrovsk Investment Agency (DIA) – construction of complex for storage of fruit and vegetable products and its sorting


Source: UkraineInvest