Titanium industry of Dnipropetrovsk region attracts investors

The government invites potential investors to participate in the transformations taking place in the titanium market in Ukraine. This sector needs investments for modernization and deeper processing. Investors can take advantage of such opportunities through privatization and acquisition of relevant enterprises to set up their own businesses and develop new deposits. In particular, the United Mining and Chemical Company and Motronivsky GOK are being prepared for sale.

The State Property Fund of Ukraine is preparing for a large-scale privatization of one of the world’s largest producers of titanium raw materials, United Mining and Chemical Company JSC. To this end, a commission has been set up, which includes representatives of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Strategic Industry, UMCC, Dnipropetrovs’k and Zhytomyr regional military administrations, as well as advisory representatives from the UMCC trade union and BDO Corporate Finance LLC, a consulting company engaged by the Cabinet of Ministers to prepare an auction for the sale of the state-owned stake in the company. The starting price of the auction, which will be held through the Prozorro.Sale system, is UAH 3.9 billion.

United Mining and Chemical Company JSC annually brought the state a profit of UAH 160 to UAH 600 million, but in 2023 it suffered a loss of UAH 481 million. The company includes the Vilnohirsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant and the Irshansk Mining and Processing Plant, which has not been operating since October 2022.

In turn, on June 25, 2024, Oschadbank JSC plans to put up for sale the debts of Motronivsky GOK LLC. The lot includes pledge, surety and mortgage agreements, as well as claims against the borrower under the loan agreement. The buyer will also receive the 4,623.20 square meter Pivdenna Processing Plant, 77 pieces of equipment, 43 pieces of special machinery and equipment for fuel filtration and concrete mix production. The starting price of the auction, which will be held through the SE SETAM system of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, is UAH 666.4 million.

Motronivsky Mining and Processing Plant LLC specializes in the production of zirconium, rutile and ilmenite concentrates. Located in Vilnohirsk, Dnipropetrovska oblast, the plant employs 838 people. The plant can produce about 120 thousand tons of ilmenite concentrate, 14 thousand tons of zirconium concentrate and 20 thousand tons of rutile concentrate annually. The raw materials are extracted from Motronivsko-Annivska area of Malyshevske deposit.

Welcome to the website of the Dnipropetrovsk Investment Agency, where you can find property objects already offered to potential investors under the state small-scale privatization program by the Regional Office of the State Property Fund, as well as properties from businesses and communities in the region.

Source: information for this article was taken from open online sources