Ministry of Economy of Ukraine defined the priority sectors that require special support during the war

In the process of regeneration of Ukraine’s economy, which suffered because of the Russian aggression, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine will pay special attention to the support of the industries that directly provide the livelihood of citizens and strengthen the defense capabilities of the state. We are talking about agriculture, food production, retail trade, utilities and energy services, and industries working on mobilization orders.

“Russian aggression against Ukraine has fundamentally changed our economy. Our forecast of GDP decline in the first quarter of 2022 is 16%, and the total annual drop could reach 40%. The industries most affected are those where remote work is not possible. This, in particular, aviation, shipping, services, where business works directly with consumers,”- said the first deputy minister of economy of Ukraine Denys Kudin.

At the same time, he added that over the past 10 days, the economy as a whole has started to revive, business in safe regions is returning to work, and farmers have started sowing.
