The production of complex fertilizers has been launched in the Dnipropetrovsk region

The Dnipro Mineral Fertilizer Plant (the city of Kamianske, Dnipropetrovsk Region) has launched the production of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers.

As noted, at the first stage, the plant will produce NP 8:22 liquid fertilizers and 10:32 double superphosphate. Production volumes for the coming month will be from 1,500 tons of the 8:22 brand and from 2,000 tons of the 10:32 brand.

“Despite the increase in prices and the shortage of phosphorous raw materials and the constant shortage of sulfuric acid, the plant produces fertilizers that can compete in price with imported counterparts. For example, formula 8:22 costs UAH 36,000/t, self-delivery, while the closest analog – RKD 8:24 was not sold cheaper than UAH 45,000/t, and granular NP fertilizers this year are setting records of cost due to the increase in logistics costs. Their value reaches 58-60 thousand hryvnias/ton,” the message specifies.

The plant can also produce NPK fertilizers of various formulas, however, in 2022, potash raw materials also became scarce due to a change in source (Germany became the main supplier for Ukraine) and, in addition to price increases, product composition and delivery terms changed.
